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Hello Everyone,                   Today I am not writing on a topic, but let's just talk. Because a topic can end but a conversation goes on. I realised there is a 'link' that helps us move further. To leave something in between the conversation , that tat-bit ,that makes you talk again next time .Or take something from older talks ,which continues further. A whole 366 days long year has come to end and like many others I also thought of recollecting, what all the time in this year gave me?. I thought of recollecting it every year , but as usual I never do 😀. Because once a exam is given, who wants to reopen the books again?. But this is also true that ,this is life and not a session which will be over, and you will be same you tomorrow, only the date will change. So it is important to know like, what time treated you before, that will make what you will be after. Not everything but, a link can be taken from before that will give...

कुछ कही, कुछ कही...

Hello everyone,                          In few days , not only a month but a whole year would come to an end .The one word according to me the whole year can be called, is realization of individualism. A sense of individual existence, which was always present, but we rather ignore it and always find a group existence. Which is fine as Man is a social animal.  यही है सब, अकेले ,अपनी खुशी अपने हाथ में लिए  क्यों कहते हैं सब, कुछ है गलत, कुछ है जरूरी Finding emotions of happiness and dullness only in social group,and not in self is wrong. where only a particular right manner of living is followed. खेल सोच का चलता है, सुबह से शाम  कोई सबके साथ भी खुश नहीं ,तो कोई अकेले ही दुखी कल की खुशी कहीं ,तो कल की सोच कहीं   खुशी का घमंड कैसा ,या  नाकामी का गुस्सा कैसा, तुम भी यही हम भी यही World runs on thinking,which should be modified with time on need.     किसी के होने की खटक कहीं ,...

First Time When I Saw You...

    It's been years when I saw something for the first time .I took a dairy to note it and not forget for long , no expections just some blank pages . Let's know what I saw for the first time and fill the pages....            "  First Time When I Saw You" A dairy and a pen in my hand ,travelling towards you . When I was  coming far away ,  you  were   coming near by too ,  Never heard of you ,not seen a glimpse of yours ever Every   bit I was seeing , was new and a wonder I was welcomed in red soil and finger sized Bananas Those  kind of mountains I have never seen ,giant slippery rocks placed one on another eroded to round I have climbed them up Every  women decorated hairs with beautiful flowers and men in traditional lungi sharing their culture proudly Our aim to visit the temples took us to amazing Dravidian architecture  Beautiful minute Rock carving everywhere and S...

मैंने मुझसे क्या कहा.....

रात कुछ खत्म होता हुआ बताती है, दिन का खत्म होना या कुछ करने का समय खत्म होना । जबकि सुबह शुरुवात का प्रतीक है ,इसलिए सुबह खुशी देती है  । और सुबह की सैर में किसी का साथ कभी कभी नही भाता , क्योंकि किसी और कि सुनने में , खुदकी आवाज़ कहा सुनाई पड़ती है । रास्ते भी ज्यादा समझ आते है जब सिर्फ खुद का साथ हो । ऐसी ही एक  सैर पर, इंदौर में एक सुबह उठने से "दो घंटे" बाद तक " मैंने मुझसे क्या कहा "....  सुनिये उन दो घंटो की कहानी -       सुनो सुबह हो गई , आंखे तो खोलो ,                               तुम जब आंखें खोलते हो , रात देख कर फिर सो जाते           हो ;                                                                             सुनो ,अभी चिड़िया...


शुरुवात एक  बात के साथ,  जो मैंने कुछ दिनों पहले ही सीखी है । "  धार्मिक (Spiritual) होने का अर्थ ,वास्तव में  जीवन के उतार-चढ़ाव में ठहराव बनाएं रखने की कला है।"    कह सकते हैं ,की  चाहे  मनचाही परिस्थिति या संगति ना हो (विसंगति हो), पर उसमें भी संगति बनाकर चलने का अभ्यास प्रकट कर लेना (जहा आपकी परिस्थिति आपको बदल नही देती , आप खुद को जानते हैं , " खुद में ही रमे रहना ")धार्मिक होना है ।      इसलिए धार्मिक क्रियाओं का जीवन पर कैसा प्रभाव पड़ रहा है, उसका ज्ञान होना चाहिए क्योंकि उद्देश्य जीवन में बदलाव लाना है। पर्वराज :-  जैन धर्म में एक पर्व मनाया जाता है, जो सबसे बड़ा पर्व है ,पर्व राज पर्यूषण पर्व (गणेश उत्सव के 10 दिन)। 10 दिनों में 10 अलग-अलग धर्मों की पूजा की जाती है । इसीलिए इसे दसलक्षण महापर्व  भी कहते हैं ।इस पर्व की बात मैंने "कहानी :बहुतो में से एक सपना पूरा होने की "ब्लॉग में भी की है।।                                  ...


HELLO ,             Once, In  a mid of thought I realised some of mine known peoples says , I am a quiet person, ie I  speak rarely. But also some people says I speak a lot ( the contrast views for the same person ) it is possible because you react same to all is not compulsory . What you present before peoples is , what you want to show but there is something(half of your heart) that you keep for your own self. That beautiful sight of your heart which is often hidden should be at times little released. It helps remind you about yourself .               Let me put little bit of , half of my heart today. Half of my heart speaks aloud                                Half of my heart has whispering sound.               It's mine , for me , my own            ...

आखरी बार : ONE LAST TIME....

Have you ever died ? Yes it is weird to ask a living being about his death experience . It's not only when the soul leaves the body to be dead , but a person often dies while he is alive ....How?   What leads to a dead life....?                                 As a child you must have spend hours seeing  dreams or living them. Sometimes as a doctor, teacher , collecting toy cars to once own them , or handling phone pretending to be busy with calls one after other. As a adult we get so use to with life , we forget the excitement of that dream. Without that excitement , we live a dead life .                                                                    How we can't convince 'ourselves ' to do what we should...

कहानी : बहुतो में से एक सपने के पूरे होने की......

     3 सितंबर 2019 , मेरी नींद सुबह 7 बजे खुली , और मैं लेट हो गयी थी। मम्मी मंदिर जा चुकी थी, तो अब मुझे अकेले ही जाना था। आंखे खुलने के बाद थोड़ी देर मैं वही बैठकर कुछ सोचती रही और फिर एकदम से बहुत जल्दी -जल्दी तैयार होने लगी । तेज़ - तेज़ चलकर मंदिर पहुची , भगवान के दर्शन किये और फिर........, फिर बारी थी मम्मी से बात करने की , थोड़े हिचकिचाते पर पूरे विश्वास के साथ मम्मी से जाकर सब कह दिया । मम्मी ने बिना समय लिए कहा  -"नही" .. "बिल्कुल नही" । ऐसे ही मन में कुछ भी आ जाए तो करने लगोगी क्या...। मैं-         नही , ऐसे ही नही , ये मेरे मन मे  कई सालो से हैं । मम्मी -    तोह क्या पूरे दस दिनों के लिए ...? मैं -         दस दिनों के लिए नही सोचा मैंने । पर तीन दिन ही  सही , शुरू तो करू , फिर देखते हैं। मम्मी  -    ठीक है।  मम्मी   -   अच्छा सुन ! ... पानी तो पीयेगी न या वो भी नही ? मैं -          मुस्कुराते हुए .. , हा पिऊंगी। ...


A twilight of monsoon ,an arrow of birds and dark shades of sky Every thing is here , but sky not to its fullest thy This is seconds of lightning , but the jewel of sky are you oh! Stars I wish sky that evening had stars , that twinkle in silence for hours; Stars were always here , whole through summers Some sparkle showing up at me , I passed by several times But didn't stopped ,to praise there shine Will gaze at you , I knew you will go nowhere , only untill monsoon thunders were here; There absence was enough to feel for there need And this thought was sailing me indeed Stars have worth to be always remembered for The beauty of sky and existence of galaxies they are; A crossing thought ,stayed me more with the nightfall Am I doing enough to be remembered for? Are my actions as human, infinity of mind creating some fire? Only question comes forth ,   " WHAT'S MY WORTH"?????            The inspiration to write these lines is the unfo...


     "It sounds  to be about the free souls, Shows ignorance , seems high on passion , Might sometimes rude , but true , "I dont care" , its my attitude .       Listening my soul loud , Keeping my heart out , I wanna be a free bird , I don't care , its my attitude .     Responsibilities on list , passing time on check , I know how to keep souls around happy , If you want me to give damn to shits , I won't , I don't care , its my attitude .     I also have one life, one chance ,time counts down , Trying to tune in with the rythm of life , Trying to love the brained creatures of god, But to the silly things wasting time , I don't care , its my attitude ."   I wrote this lines around a year ago ,and they resembles to the present day. I dont exactly remember the inspiration to write those lines , but it was somewhere to my love for life , conserving the freedom of my thoughts , consious about humans, and trying to find...


    What is 'beauty'  for you ?                                             Is the big eyes  , sharp nose , pink lips and fair skin enough to be called 'Beautiful'?.  As per me 'No'!. Physical features were never the criteria for the crown of beauty. Eg . When 'black colour '(Mole) comes on  body , it enhances the beauty. But, when 'white colour'(spots) come on body , it can be a disease.                                                                         Though  Beauty  is a 'Subjective topic', but we often misinterpret 'Attraction' with 'Beauty'. Consider this.. A labour girl, having abs due to regularly carrying building material on her head an...

LOVE YOUR MOTHER THE MOST . But dont forget to respect the MOTHERHOOD of other women.

Hello Everyone...                                 Happy Mothers Day to all the 'ladies'. In this blog I wanted to share different (my) perspective of mothers day and motherhood .         I think  that this day is a big celebration ,not caste or country specified ,but love centric . All who can feel love, be it humans, Animals or Birds ,its the celebration of the love between them  and their  birthgiver .               I sn't it, the love unaltered of the given circumstances make motherhood different from any other relations . A mothers devotion to her motherhood, is cherrished .        It comes because of the motherly instinct( the way people or animals naturally react or behave without having to think or learn about it )  women got from nature.           I am sure down the...

About me....

Hello everyone,                             I am Pragya Jain . A girl heart full of thoughts and a full time introvert (ya quite opposites).        I was always amazed and moved by the power of words . Those  words can make my day , just  because how beautifully and wisely they were arranged to make impact. And get impressed with who presented them . So I wanted to pen down  the constant ideas in my mind from quite a while.         I think the world goes on , on the thoughts of peoples . Thoughts, which are predefined , little modified one's , and in process to take shape through questions arising . So presenting  little bit of mine is the aim.           You will find posts on topics of general interest , experiences and random subjects . I am native of madhya Pradesh. I like positivity and smile . My interests are creati...