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    What is 'beauty' for you ?                                           Is the big eyes , sharp nose , pink lips and fair skin enough to be called 'Beautiful'?. As per me 'No'!. Physical features were never the criteria for the crown of beauty. Eg . When 'black colour '(Mole) comes on  body , it enhances the beauty. But, when 'white colour'(spots) come on body , it can be a disease.                                                                        Though Beauty is a 'Subjective topic', but we often misinterpret 'Attraction' with 'Beauty'. Consider this..
  • A labour girl, having abs due to regularly carrying building material on her head and smiling for no reason and eyes shining in sun light , can steal the view of a well groomed urban girl.
  • A lady wrapped in a saree , covering her head with her pallu can be more eye pleasing then a high on fashion celebrity.
  Why soo? Bcoz here beauty was over powering attraction . Actually We dont put our eyes open to experience every emotion of beauty to its fullest. Some 'beauty' we all need, to be called 'Beautiful' .such as -

"Beauty of  knowing your beauty"- At times we dont realise how beautiful we are made. We should embrass our natural self, explore our inner beauty to grow with it.

"Beauty of self approval" - A person should not wait for others to certify her, beautiful. Only you know your soul better so you have to crown yourself , or you will be left on others brain to judge youself.
"Personal beauty is a greater recommendation , than any letter of reference"
"Beauty of reflecting your inner beauty"- It is also important to reflect your internal beauty.
Your good deeds can enhance your external beauty , but the measurement of your physical characteristics or colour of your body cover(skin) ,wont improve the quality of your deeds.

"Beauty of wearing your beauty"- People see you through your eyes only . When you don't love yourself , you look that way and every other person can take advantage of your self hatred to put you down.
   But if you Love and are proud of your body, every other person is forced to adjust their (narrow)thoughts according to yours.
        The hatred or jealousy for ones looks and not respecting others beauty give rise to hate crimes  like-
         When  a person ,throw acid on a girl's face to disguise her identity . Her skin melts and even the flesh comes out. Every minute , she is alive , is boon for her in that extreme pain. Even then the beauty is not gone , she reflects her extreme beauty by now. "The beauty of her struggle to live " , "The beauty of confidence" with which she walks with her wounds and scars , while the criminal has to cover his face."Her beauty of self reliance" , "Her beauty of stronger being " shows her fight for justice.
"She is Art . Its not the way she looks . Its the way she makes you see"
                           ~Phlemon Azavedo 
  'Every thing has beauty , but not everyone sees it'
       Do comment your opinions.  
                                             -pragya jain



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