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आखरी बार : ONE LAST TIME....

Have you ever died ? Yes it is weird to ask a living being about his death experience . It's not only when the soul leaves the body to be dead , but a person often dies while he is alive ....How?   What leads to a dead life....?                                 As a child you must have spend hours seeing  dreams or living them. Sometimes as a doctor, teacher , collecting toy cars to once own them , or handling phone pretending to be busy with calls one after other. As a adult we get so use to with life , we forget the excitement of that dream. Without that excitement , we live a dead life .                                                                    How we can't convince 'ourselves ' to do what we should do for a desired life . We remain guilty of our cause . Without trying to improve we live a dead life.                         At times  'Age' is put as constraint for not doing particular things and when we don't know the purpose of life , we are dead living .                                                                  When a person living in unawareness , unconscious of time or need of the time  , he is dead .                                                                                          Though it is not possible to make  the particular life or destiny , but the "Destiny can be Designed" . You have to live what is given to you , but it can be modified , it is better then letting the destiny , situations or circumstances drags you to one stag of life to other.

             Life doesn't come to you as a wanderer,    but it has reasons and purposes with it , so one should realise his individuality .One should have expectations from his own self . You should be responsible for your own happiness and not depend on someone to do it for you .All the pulling forces should be e left Behind weather it is any person habit or thing .    

          For a fact Brain doesn't gets older with age , it still has powers intact to learn things and act accordingly . The greatest example is Stephen Hawking , a man whose whole body can't work but still , sitting on the wheelchair , that man worked great on cosmology. 

          How do you know , you will be alive tomorrow or a year later? Life is too uncertain to be lived with same experiences and feelings all the time . We are presented to different kind of happiness , different worries , different goals and achievements every time ,  the only need is to live it . Remembering we have only one life to live , the last chance to  do anything ( आखरी बार) life can be lead whole heartfelt .

                            I     STUBBORN

When , even the room full air suffocate me             I stubborn to breathe walked out under vast sky ;

When even the big city restaurants , can't pack my stomach                                              I,stubborn to feed came back to my mother;

When my friends don't get me                                  I don't fit in their choice                                         I stubborn accompanied myself;

When my dreams tested me , to give up.                I stubborn to live ,   I never died while living .

                                                pragya jain☺                                                                         



  1. True without any aim or dream life is hopeless n meaningless....n even I think ....true said by someone every one has 2 dreams or 2 plans regarding their own life if you couldn't complete first one then go for second because personally I did this....wanted to make my carrier in different feild but I couldn' running on second path... lovely is dead without any dream

    1. Thank you. it's actually about enjoying every bit of life. And try to decorate it ,rather spending the whole life in what is given to you.☺


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