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            Once, In  a mid of thought I realised some of mine known peoples says , I am a quiet person, ie I  speak rarely. But also some people says I speak a lot ( the contrast views for the same person ) it is possible because you react same to all is not compulsory . What you present before peoples is , what you want to show but there is something(half of your heart) that you keep for your own self. That beautiful sight of your heart which is often hidden should be at times little released. It helps remind you about yourself .
              Let me put little bit of , half of my heart today.

Half of my heart speaks aloud                                Half of my heart has whispering sound.               It's mine , for me , my own                                      A peep into it , not all of it shown 

  They are seen in silence ,   they are   crushed in Silence ,                                                              Only there achievement  creates voice ,        dream they are ,                                                 They are easily breaked , write fragile on them . I can't speak , but my words have voice              Read , Decode , realise  , what I mean         Dreams don't know the height of the Everest or  length of sea.                                                     Dreams are like a child , of unknown and innocent heart like ,                                                   I want it , so set me free .

Jump in the vastness of sky , to float in the air   Dive in the depth of sea , in that world of  slow motion ,                                                                      A track to different plates of earth , to the sceneries of god ,                                           Sunrise and night lights on my own ,                   where sky is painted in different colours ,          where stars falls , giving a shower ,                       All this , i want to see in my living hours .

 This is a little of , what "Half of my heart " which is unknown to everyone says . That side of heart keeps "happiness" safe when it is not anywhere . And sometimes sharing the thoughts of half of your heart reminds you , of your way to inner happiness . 
      So let's share what the half of your heart says . It can be a word or a para.  Do comment what your heart says .
                                                 Pragya jain☺


  1. Wow very nice

    In true sense it's with almost everyone

    We share half of our heart

  2. *Half of My Heart*
    really touched me! Amazing thought n precisely framed!

    What Half of my Heart says ->Always do good to others...n u will never regret it.....n that what will make u Happy :)

    Thank u Pragya ;) !


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