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LOVE YOUR MOTHER THE MOST . But dont forget to respect the MOTHERHOOD of other women.

Hello Everyone...
                               Happy Mothers Day to all the 'ladies'. In this blog I wanted to share different (my) perspective of mothers day and motherhood . 
       I think that this day is a big celebration ,not caste or country specified ,but love centric . All who can feel love, be it humans, Animals or Birds ,its the celebration of the love between them and their birthgiver .
        Isn't it, the love unaltered of the given circumstances make motherhood different from any other relations . A mothers devotion to her motherhood, is cherrished . 
      It comes because of the motherly instinct(the way people or animals naturally react or behave without having to think or learn about it) women got from nature.

         I am sure down the memory lane we all  share almost the same memories with our maa(the love ,care,strength of our mothers is same somehow).
      This similarity in motherhood is, I think because of same instinct all females share. Its women specific , only women have got the sole honour of giving birth to a new life. This instinct is not age bound( she is born with it). eg.  That's how,since ages young girls are worshipped alongside 'maa durga' , how a little girl in a family take care of her parents , younger and older siblings like a mother.

        When  a female (of any age) is exposed to misdeed be it Feticide , Molestation ,Domestic Violence , any other it is not only she (physically and mentally) offended but also the motherhood instinct within her and her mother herself along with many others who suffer.
        After the surreally eye watering incident with Nirbhaya , not only 'she' died , but the 'motherhood instinct' within her and 'her mother'(without her daughter) both were dead. There were three deaths , why is that not counted for justice...Her instinct which could have given birth to a new life was destroyed.

          When a child is brought up , they already have love for their mother but they should be taught to respect (atleast not disrespect) the motherhood of other women . If one can love his mother , he must respect others motherhood too.
              ' Mother is a force to reckon with' . This Mother's Day lets show gratitude to the Motherhood within every women... 
If you felt good reading the my blog , do 'comment' your experience.. 


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