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First Time When I Saw You...

   It's been years when I saw something for the first time .I took a dairy to note it and not forget for long , no expections just some blank pages . Let's know what I saw for the first time and fill the pages....
           " First Time When I Saw You"

A dairy and a pen in my hand ,travelling towards you .
When I was  coming far away ,  you  were   coming near by too ,
 Never heard of you ,not seen a glimpse of yours ever
Every   bit I was seeing , was new and a wonder
I was welcomed in red soil and finger sized Bananas
Those  kind of mountains I have never seen ,giant slippery rocks placed one on another eroded to round I have climbed them up
Every  women decorated hairs with beautiful flowers and men in traditional lungi sharing their culture proudly
Our aim to visit the temples took us to amazing Dravidian architecture 
Beautiful minute Rock carving everywhere and Shiny polished pillars revives in my eyes ,with soothing cold inside temple rather than the  heat outside
The  next thing doesn't limit me till Southern India is the food ,my love for every dish made of rice and black Dal has no limits that I want it every other day
Small  garden in front of every house blooming flowers on ground and hanging coconuts far above ,signalling the ground till the sky is all ours
Small waterfalls in little interval like glitters of Sahyadri spreading everywhere
So  green and calm which not even heaven has but like a place where soul comes in and life regenerates
It's  a land where  mountains and beaches meet and an Ocean get its name
Bright ,   spicy herbs take heat from sun and grow their length
That diary I never picked up again after because it's all scanned in my eyes and all the pages were filled
I  have seen very little and more and more want to know you , "First Time when I Saw You"

By now you know , I am talking about my thoughts , first time when I saw southern part of india. whatever I saw I wrote it in dairy ,my mother got for me (even the name of stations ,which I can't pronounce 😀) .I collected the red soil in bag like  samples from some other planet. We use to visit places like the world famous 'Shravanbelgola ' and many more , climbed mountains and every time amazed by the sceneric and architectural beauty . The southern dishes and I share a good bond ,that my good friends send me photos when they see it somewhere or eat themselves . The dairy still has many blank pages left and I want much more to write , it's just us to meet again ☺.

                                                       Pragya Jain☺


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