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   "You don't realise, until you go through         it".

We are given learnings for good conduct from many means. But we don't  compulsorily inculcate them all. I could never understand before why is Gratitude given much value ? I read and heard people saying to write your words of gratitude everyday or practice the gratitude to start your day every morning. This sounds good and worth the hype . But why saying thank you is required every time ?

  May any other person sings it, you won't follow till you get a jerk of realisation. Which ultimately leads to adopt a practice in routine. 
I can always feel Thankfull for the blessings ,somehow it seems too good to be practiced daily. There are very small things ,that are very obvious in daily rituals. Like we eat food daily , thats a normal routine , isn't it ? No, its not just a normal routine. 
    To start from below ,many people are not secure for their next meal after having one .Many of them arrange food to fill their stomach but that can't attain the need for required nutrients. And this results in malnutrition and under nourishment in women and children ,which we all know. 
What moves you further is the thought of people ,who have the stability for raw material but no one to cook .Still remains some who don't have anyone to sit and eat with them , yet alone .
Escaping all of it if you have good food that you can share and eat , congrats you are amongst the blessed☺.

I can take the charges ,like i over eat at times ,much more then required. Which could be saved for another meal or can be given to others. I remember getting stubborn for what i want to eat, as if everyone has the choice . Or complaining for how it was cooked and how it should be done . 

Other then what I can do about any situation," just touching your hands to the plate and then to your head like ,taking blessings from your food to bless you with good health and be greatful for that meal is a good small gesture to practice."
Not just food there are many other things like the people around you ,the resources ,the values etc.that brings good for you in someway ,that you should be thankful for. 

This realisation of gratitude includes both finding and expressing both . And this needs to be done daily because this gives peace , satisfaction and happiness .A moment for being happy about what you have provide positivity for achieving more.

Reflection :- It is common tendency that person make changes in life after dealing with situation himself .But the experiences can be used upto some extend to save the time in making mistakes.

                                         Pragya jain😊


  1. Great! Being born as a human on earth I think, is the greatest fact of our life and we should be grateful to the God for this. Absolutely you have touched the basic aspect of humanity through your blog. GBU.


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